Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hurricane Aftermath Health & Safety Tips

With the record-setting hurricane season of 2005, it is never too soon to begin preparing for the 2006 season, which has been predicted to have an above average number of hurricanes.

EHA has over 25 years of experience with mold related matters and can assist you with assessment of the property and your health concerns.

EHA's teams of qualified professionals are ready to respond immediately with offices in West Palm Beach and Tampa Bay, Florida.
Please feel free to contact us at 561-965-0250 in West Palm Beach, 813-236-8220 in Tampa Bay or via our corporate offices in Baltimore at 800-969-1441.

As public health consultants, our first concern is for the health and safety of the people who suffer through these unfortunate events. The potential for disease outbreaks and serious injury loom far after the threat of a major hurricane. As such, people affected by major weather events of catastrophic size must first be prepared to deal with the following conditions so critical to human survival including food, water and shelter.

* Infectious diseases and chemical exposure – Diseases such as typhoid and cholera are associated with the consumption of contaminated food and water supplies due to flooding of sewers and sewage systems. Viral and parasitic diseases such as Hepatitis A and Cryptosporidiosis can also become major threats to the public's health. Contaminated flood waters may also harbor toxic chemicals including pesticides and petroleum by-products.

* CO- Carbon Monoxide intoxication – Precautions should be taken to ensure that adequate ventilation exists whenever running any gasoline powered engine such as, large pumps, generators or vehicles. Last year there were deaths associated with carbon monoxide intoxication in Florida.

* Safe food and water – Often the most critical two items essential to survival, safe food and water are often in short supply during major catastrophes. Food that has not been properly refrigerated should not be consumed. Whenever possible, drink only boiled or bottled water. If boiling water is not practical, authorities recommend the use of chlorine bleach at a concentration of1/8 teaspoon per gallon of water, but be advised that some pathogenic organisms are resistant to this chemical treatment.

* Mosquito transmitted diseases – Diseases such as Encephalitis and West Nile Virus can be of serious concern. Since most hurricanes occur during the summer months, when temperatures can be sweltering, the best line of defense is a mosquito repellant containing DEET or Picariin.

Long after a hurricane has passed, after basic survival has been assured and upon return to your property, the threat of mold looms. For this reason, we've listed our Emergency Prevention of Mold Damage & Property Damage recommendations below to help provide you with the first steps you should take to limit mold damage. More information about hurricane-related mold damage and safety tips is available at

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Ergonomics - Are you sitting comfortably?

Ergonomics is, basically, the science of comfort. It is the study of how your equipment affects you when you are at work, both in terms of maximising your efficiency and reducing any health risks that might be present.

Where you've probably heard the term, though, is used in relation to computer equipment: mice, mouse mats, keyboards, monitors, and the like. The traditional design of a lot of computer equipment is very unergonomic, meaning that if it is used for extended periods of time (as you do when you are using it at your job), you can get all sorts of injuries, the most famous being RSI (repetitive strain injury).

Whatever you might think of your employer, the chances are that they don't want you getting injured: they'd have to get along without you, or go to the trouble of replacing you, not to mention the legal liability they might have if you could prove that it was there equipment that hurt you. For this reason, ergonomic computer equipment is becoming more and more common in office environments. If your keyboard is oddly-shaped, that's because it's ergonomic. If your mouse mat has a little soft spot to rest your wrist on, that's because it's ergonomic. There are plenty more examples.

It's these little, inexpensive extras that go some way towards reducing the possibility that you will get injured at work. One thing you might not have considered, though, is that they can also work well in the home. If you use your computer a lot at home – whether as a hobby, or as a freelancer, or for home working – you should get some ergonomic equipment for yourself. If you injure yourself through computer use, you'll have no-one to sue or blame but yourself, which might mean that you won't be able to afford the costs of caring for and treating the condition. RSI really isn't pleasant, so you should make sure to take measures to protect yourself, wherever the computer you're using might be.
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Desert Problem For Young Earth Creation Science

Young-earth creationists have a problem. According to their creation model, all the fossil-bearing rock layers in the world need to be created during the Flood of Noah. Fossils, in ancient rock layers, imply that death occurred before the Fall of man, which is contrary to their interpretation of Scripture.

The most visible rock layers in the world are those in the Grand Canyon. For many years young-earth creation scientists have invested a lot of time and research into the Grand Canyon. They believe that if they can find a model to explain the canyon rocks, then their followers will probably accept the rest of the earth's rocks as young.

Coconino Sandstone

One of the problems that the young earth model encounters in the Grand Canyon is the Coconino Sandstone. I've already discussed this in another article, so let me only summarize here. Geologists have stated that this formation of 315-foot thick sandstone was created by a desert environment, and is a deposition of wind-deposited sand dunes

The problem for the young earth creationist is that this rock layer is topped by two other fossil-bearing marine rock layers, the Toroweap Limestone and the Kaibab Limestone. This presents a problem to the young-earth model because if the sandstone originated by wind, then obviously it could not have been produced by Noah's Flood. The young-earth scientist would have to explain how the water receded, then the sandstone formed, then the water came back and deposited the other layers. However, in the Biblical Flood account, the waters rose, then fell. There were no cyclic water levels, nor was there a massive amount of time during the flood for a desert environment to create a 315-foot thick rock layer. The desert formation of this sandstone would disprove its formation during the Flood, and would disprove the young age of the earth.

Several young-earth scientists have attempted to explain this away, claiming that this sandstone was created underwater, and thus is not a desert sandstone. I dispute this theory because their model does not have the necessary forces to create the Coconino Sandstone (for more on this, see Coconino Sandstone). However, that is not the purpose of this article.

Other sandstones which are desert in origin will also disprove the young age of the earth. Therefore, the young-earth scientist must discredit every desert sandstone in the world. If one desert sandstone exists with a fossil-bearing ocean-deposited layer on top, it discredits the entire young earth flood model, and proves the old age of the earth.

Let's look at other desert-origin sandstones. I will continually add to this article as I read through the research and discover other sandstones.

Navajo Sandstone

I'll start with the Navajo Sandstone. This sandstone is most evident in the tall cliffs of Zion Canyon National Park in Utah. The thickness of this formation varies from 1,600 to 2,200 feet. It is evident from the excellent cross-bedding in this formation and other features that this is created from a desert environment. Below the Navajo there are thousands of feet of rock layers, including the layers of the Grand Canyon. Again, please note…all the layers of the Grand Canyon are below the Navajo.

Looking at the rocks above the Navajo, the problem for the young-earth scientist gets even more complicated.. Looking at the Navajo at Arches National Park, there are at least 1,500 feet of rock layers above the Navajo at this location alone. The first is the Entrada Sandstone, which consists of three units, the Moab and Slick Rock members, (which are themselves desert dune sandstones), and the Dewey Bridge Member, which is about 200 feet of marine deposits. Above this is the thin Summerville Formation, siltstone from a lake/lagoon environment. Then comes the most serious problem for the young earth model...the Morrison Formation. This formation has yielded thousands of dinosaur fossils, supposedly killed during Noah's Flood. Above the Morrison are the Dakota Sandstone (beach environment) and the Mancoa Shale (shallow marine).

In fact, all the dinosaur fossils are far above the Grand Canyon sediments. The young earth model says the Flood killed most of the dinosaurs1...and according to their model, all the layers of the Grand Canyon were deposited during the Flood2. That is over 1 mile of sediment. The first dinosaur fossils appear in the Chinle formation, which is two formations above the Grand Canyon layers.

How did these dinosaurs survive the deposition phase of the flood, which deposited over 8,000 feet of sediment before we see the first dinosaur fossil? Young earth explanations (see sources below) fail to offer a valid explanation of this problem…they make absolutely no sense out of the solid facts of the rock layers.

Given the young earth model, the flood waters must have created all these layers. However, you can't have Flood-deposited rocks of the Grand Canyon, topped stratigraphically by a desert sandstone, the Navajo, to the north of the Canyon, and then covered by more sea-deposited layers. None of these layers above the Grand Canyon, including the layers above the Navajo, can be accounted for by the young-earth model.

Evidence From Creation Scientists!

Here is the most amazing evidence for the desert, wind-formed Navajo Sandstone. Creation scientists themselves admit it! I don't know if they are aware of this or not. I've done a review of the cornerstone book of young-earth proof of Noah's Flood and the Grand Canyon (located at the Answers In Creation website) . The book is called Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe. It is published by the Institute for Creation Research. This book was put together by 14 of the pre-eminent young-earth creation scientists in the world.

On page 32 of this book, they are making a case for the Coconino Sandstone of the Grand Canyon. They claim it was deposited not in a dry, desert environment, but in a water environment. Figure 3.10 shows a plot of grain sizes for the Coconino, two modern water environments, and a "Desert Sand Dune." Through this plot, it is shown that the desert dune plots out to a straight line, whereas the Coconino, and the water environment sands, plot out as jagged, irregular lines. This is used as proof that the Coconino is not a desert sandstone.

The amazing thing is the source of the "Desert Sand Dune" grain size plots. The first paragraph in the right column, first sentence, gives the source as footnote number 44. If you turn to this footnote, the source of the desert sand grain size plot is "Stratigraphic Analysis of the Navajo Sandstone," published in the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology! That's right! These creation scientists are using the desert-created Navajo Sandstone to argue against the Coconino as being desert in origin.

However, the Navajo is overlaid with many fossil bearing rock layers, including the Morrison Formation, with thousands of dinosaurs killed during the Flood of Noah. This can't be! We now have proof, from young-earth creation scientists themselves, that the Navajo Sandstone formed as a dry, desert sandstone, right in the middle of Noah's Flood!!!! Without meaning to, they have proved the old age of the earth!


The Coconino and Navajo are only two desert-created sandstones. No doubt the desert formations in China and Mongolia would also disprove the young age of the earth. I will post others here, as I have time to research them. Unfortunately for the young-earth creationist, it only takes one example of desert sandstone to disprove the young age of the earth. As you can see, the earth is old, just like the geologists have told us, and just as God's creation testifies.

1 Oard, Michael, The Extinction of the Dinosaurs. (

2 Austin, Steven (ed.), Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe, Institute for Creation Research, 1995

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Is Dish TV a Valuable Alternative

Are features offered by Dish TV making its Satellite TV service a valuable alternative? With interactive tools, guides, and myriad options made available to every subscriber, the offerings made by Dish TV cannot be surpassed. Moreover, the affordability of Dish TV's services seems almost criminal when one considers all of the incredible options made available to them with Dish TV's amazing features! In fact, it is no surprise that Dish TV has been deemed the number one Satellite TV company in terms of customer service by J.D. Power and Associates.

First, Dish TV provides a Satellite TV installation screen that puts the subscriber in control of the installation process. A Dish TV subscriber can change satellite transponders, and detect the strength of their satellite signal with a satellite signal meter. Moreover, the satellite signal meter is accompanied by a special audio sound that lets the subscriber know when they have aligned their Satellite TV dish properly-leaving no question that the installation has been performed correctly. Finally, the satellite signal meter allows subscribers to easily determine if there is a problem with their satellite signal and to maintain the signal by removing any obstructions and retesting the signal.

Next, every single Satellite TV program broadcast through Dish TV services is accompanied with a complete description of the program. With a click of the Dish TV remote, subscribers are provided with a brief description of the current program, the time the programs starts and ends, the date the program is being aired, a parental rating of the program and a stars critique of the program in question. What's more, the program information can be viewed with a white background or a clear background, whichever the subscriber prefers at the moment.

Additionally, Dish TV services offer Dish TV Interactive. Dish TV Interactive gives subscribers access to news, sports, horoscopes, games, instant weather reports for the local area, account information, access to special shopping offers and myriad miscellaneous entertainment including Karaoke and Rapzit. Along with the Dish TV Interactive features, subscribers are free to order Pay-Per-View films anytime they desire and Pay-Per-View shows can, in some instances, be ordered well in advance of the event.

With all of the features listed above, it is certainly surprising to discover that there are even more fantastic Dish TV services available. In fact, when subscribers first receive Dish TV services they will find themselves pleasantly surprised-Dish TV often offers installation promotions and a typical promotion will include a free Satellite TV dish and anywhere from 1 to 4 satellite receivers! What does this mean for the subscriber? It means Satellite TV access in up to 4 rooms of their home!

The channel selection offered to subscribers, of course, depends upon the programming they have purchased. Nonetheless, what is made available to the subscriber is a diverse array of programming. Packages are offered that include America's Top 60, America's Top 120, America's Top 180, and the America's Everything Pak. Adult programming can also be ordered for additional fees.

The America's Everything Pak includes all of the programs offering in any other package along with all of the Cinemax, Starz! Showtime and HBO channels. So, if a subscriber wants the complete Dish TV experience, the America's Everything Pak is definitely the package to order.

In essence, Dish TV offers diverse programming. Subscribers can choose from 10 Showtime stations, 8 Starz! Stations, 8 HBO offerings, and 5 Cinemax offerings. Moreover, sports lovers will truly get a kick out of Dish TV's features-a selection of sports programming is provided by Dish TV that can't be beat. You can watch the Multi Regional Sports channels, The Outdoor Channel, MLB Extra Innings, ESPN College Grand Slam, NBA League Pass, ESPN Game Plan, NHL Center Ice, MLS Direct Kick, and English Premier League programming. Finally, those individuals that prefer adult programming can easily get access to ECLIPSE, The Erotic Network, Extasy, Hot Zone and Play boy programming, respectively.

Along with all of the fantastic Satellite TV channels, Dish TV subscribers also get access to Sirius satellite radio channels. Music lovers can listen to theme orient music like New Age, Pop, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, Jazz, Rap, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Christian Music, and more. It certainly appears that Dish TV goes beyond the call of customer service to offer subscribers Satellite TV and radio entertainment.

Did you know that Dish TV is now offering Internet services? In conjunction with Earthlink, Dish TV is now providing high-speed Internet access. For as little as 19.95 per month, subscribers can get high-speed Internet service, Earthlink DSL service, DSL equipment and free activation. Thus, for those dialup users formerly without high-speed Internet connection, Dish TV has created an additional service for you! Downloads are significantly faster with Dish TV's Internet services and Dish TV offers all of the software applications and security features that the top Internet Service Providers offer.

Alternatively, the quality of customer service supplied by Dish TV cannot be overstated. Dish TV representatives are available every day of the week, 24 hours a day either by phone or a subscriber can use the customer support option provide by Dish TV Interactive. Either way, friendly service is readily available. Furthermore, if a subscriber has any difficulties whatsoever using their Satellite TV equipment, there are technicians readily available to assist them. Finally, calling Dish TV at any time is always free.

What is clear is that Dish TV strives to provide outstanding customer service. In every way possible, Dish TV offers features that make Satellite TV entertainment an enjoyable experience for the viewer. With fantastic features, programming and services, it is clear that Dish TV will remain one of the leading companies in Satellite TV service for many years to come. Subscribing to Dish TV's offerings is as easy as making one toll free phone call. A free installation can be planned for you and a skilled technician will come to your home and install your service for free. Once the service is installed, the technician will show you the ropes and you will be well on your way to enjoying the same features supplied to every Dish TV subscriber: unbelievable features that you will thoroughly enjoy for many months to come. How's that for truly fantastic customer service?

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Solar Power, Worth The Hassle?

In this piece of work that I am about to commence with I will discuss whether or not it is wise to convert or at least supplement your home electricity source with solar power. This is a worthwhile undertaking because there are many things in this world that are billed as cost or time saving and are actually the opposite when looked at with the right measurements or perspective. So the question is, "is solar power what it claims to be-a clean source of energy that is cheaper than other forms, or is it merely a fad that makes people think that they are being kind to the environment or cost effective."

So let's talk about the claims. Number one: a clean source of energy. When you think about it the energy from the sun is about as clean and as natural as you get. There is no chemical reaction that creates an undesirable waste product, there is no burning, no smoke, no extra gases formed. So in this way-yes it is clean. But you also have to look at how you harness that energy. If you have to create undesirable waste such as plastic or other materials that can't be naturally broken down; or you have to use energy that is not clean such as coal or other fossil fuel burning to create the product than you are at least decreasing the benefit of the clean power supply.

In the case of solar power you do have to create the cells which are made of plastic as well as the wiring and the housings for these cells. So there is some unseemliness to the cleanliness of this power source. The question is, does the benefit outweigh the costs? And in the case of solar power, it does seem that if the units are maintained and last for a long time they eventually will come out ahead. Not like cloth diapers which would, it seems, be a lot better for the environment than their disposable counterparts from huggies. The fact is that the bleach used to clean the cloth diapers is much worse for the environment than the disposable diaper which will eventually (though it takes many years) break down almost entirely.

Second solar power is a cheaper source of energy than other options. This again seems very true on the surface. After all everyone has access to the sun and the sun doesn't charge does it? But then again the solar cells cost quite a pretty penny so it will take a while to pay them off with the cost savings. And you will have to maintain them paying a technician to come out and fix the units with expensive parts. So is it cost effective? Well again it seems as though over the long run yes solar power is a way to cheapen your energy costs considerably. Not like recycling which boasts of a way to save the environment and cheapen the cost of those materials that are being recycled. Well both may not be as true as stated prompting many communities to "recycle" the materials that they collect from well meaning residents right into the trash.
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Reversing Mother Nature, Part Three

We talked to North America's leading In Situ Leach (ISL) uranium mining engineers, and had them explain exactly how ISL worked. Most of the significant ISL operations in the United States were designed and/or constructed by these engineers. They explained how ISL mining is really just reversing the process of Mother Nature.


Not so fast. Shipping the uranium out of the ISL plant isn't the final step. The water has to be cleaned up, the property returned to its original condition. If done properly, then the footprint of the ISL uranium operation should have been nearly erased. In an earlier article, "Wyoming Uranium: Now and the Future," we talked to Pat Drummond at Smith Ranch about this process:

The company is meticulous in restoring the landscape as well. Any restoration work on the surface is called "reclamation." That can involve farming. "When we start a well field, we have to, by license, remove the topsoil and store it somewhere," Drummond explained. "When we go back to reclaim the property, we take all the pipes out, we take the houses down, and cut our wells off. It's all identified. We put an ID marker on the well. In 50 years time, when Farmer Joe comes around and wonders what was there, the state can say, 'That was a uranium well.' From the time we've stopped mining, we put everything back to normal."

The one item we did not address at the time was cleaning up the water after the orebody has been mined out. Why is restoring the water back to background important? "In the mining process, you're basically elevating sulfate," explained Anthony. "You're also elevating calcium because you're lowering the pH a little bit, down to 6.5 to 7. Because you run it across the ion exchange circuits, you get a little leakage of chlorides into the lixiviant." Subsequently, the water will have sulfate, chloride, calcium and bicarbonate circulating within it. "When you add carbon dioxide, you're forming bicarbonate," Anthony noted. "These are the major ion groups you are elevating during the mining process." He also added that in some projects, you may get arsenic, vanadium and/or selenium. "They all go into the solution so that at the end of your mining process, these ions will be elevated above their baseline values." The water will need to undergo a purification process to return them back to a quality consistent with baseline values."

What does the ISL operator do with the water once the facility has mined out the uranium? There are three options, which we discussed with Glenn Catchpole, who has also set up previous ISL operations. In 1996, Catchpole was the General Manager and Managing Director of the Inkai uranium solution mining project in Kazakhstan. He is currently the Chief Executive of Uranerz Energy. "Here's my order of priority: If you have a receiver formation for deep disposal on your project, that's my first choice." Sometimes, a project may not have access to a deep disposal aquifer, warned Catchpole.

The water is sent down the receiver formation, down about 4000 feet. "You're usually sending this water to a formation that is very briny, a poorer quality than what you're sending down," Anthony pointed out. Another option, according to Catchpole, would be operations ponds, or evaporating ponds, where the water is evaporated. A third option is "land applied." Catchpole explained this was for land application. "You take your waste stream, you treat it to remove the certain level of impurities, according to the government requirement, and then you're allowed to disperse it on the land surface, as if you were irrigating." When applied to the land, it is soaking into the land. "It's growing grass, and it's going into the groundwater system," concluded Catchpole, "Whatever water quality standard they allow for you to put that water in the land, they want to ensure it doesn't accumulate some particular chemical over time that is going to build up and contaminate the land."

Generally, during the restoration process, the water is circulated through the barren orebody about eight times. It's another instance of pore volumes – eight more times through the sandstone formation. Anthony explained, "Normally, the first pore volume is evacuated and disposed of via a disposal well." But he warned, "This will cause an inflow of surrounding native water back into the mine zone. The resulting water is pumped to the surface and processed through a reverse osmosis unit." Anthony compared this to the desalination of seawater. "The reverse osmosis equipment acts like an 'ion filter,' allowing pure water to pass through a membrane and filtering out ions of sulfate, calcium, uranium, bicarbonate and so forth," Anthony explained

Two streams of water are produced by the reverse osmosis unit. One stream is called "product water," and is normally consistent with drinking water quality. The smaller stream of water is called "brine." It contains, according to Anthony, "95 percent of all the dissolved ions that were in solution." He said, "The brine is disposed down a deep well into an underground formation, which is typically not suitable for any use."


For all the lip service and media attention paid to the environmental movement in terms of financial support, recognition and respect, it is the ISL miner who cares more about the environment, about preserving Mother Nature. Environmentalists remain ignorant of, or care not to publicize, the dangers of coal-fired electrical generation. Mining and burning coal to generate power for industry and residential electricity poses a greater threat to Mother Nature than ISL mining and nuclear power-generated electricity. No more evident a case in point is New Mexico, where the Navajo Nation "banned" uranium mining, because their president was misled by environmentalists in believing ISL uranium mining could pose a threat to groundwater. At the same time, the Navajo Nation enjoys over $100 million in coal royalties each year, as their air is polluted by carcinogens filling their air from coal mining in the San Juan Basin and coal-fired plants, which produce most of their electricity. It is time for the world's environmentalist movements to wake up and smell the air they are breathing.

Unfortunately, ISL uranium mining will not replace conventional uranium mining in many deposits across the world. According to the World Nuclear Association, ISL mining accounted for 21 percent of worldwide uranium mining in 2004. "The overriding constraint of ISL is the technology is only applicable to selected uranium deposits," Stover cautioned. "It's those deposits wherein the uranium ore resides in a permeable environment, where you can flow water through the deposit and where you can bring the dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide into contact with the uranium." Stover explained that, during the evolution of ISL mining, a number of projects failed because the uranium was associated with organic material, was not accessible to the leaching solution, or the uranium was tied up in clays or shale-like material. "They were not able to flow fluid through it," explained Stover. "The key issue at the onset is a careful characterization of the host environment in which the uranium exists."

The key advantage to ISL is the far lower capital costs to start up a project, compared to the hundreds of millions required for a conventional mining and mill complex. For example, UR-Energy's William Boberg and Uranerz Energy's Glenn Catchpole both believe they can install an ISL operation on their Wyoming properties for as little as $10 million. Labor costs are also less. Doug Norris pointed out, "In its heyday, the Highland mine probably had 4,000 working in it." By comparison, Cameco's Smith-Highland ranch in Wyoming may soon ramp up to nearly 100 employees. "We're talking about installing a centralized water treatment plant supported by a large number of water wells, typically completed with PVC," Stover explained. "That's in contrast with conventional mining, where you have extensive earth moving, in the case of an open pit or extensive underground workings, and a more complicated, much larger processing plant."

In terms of environmental impact, ISL offers something sensible to the environmentalists. "ISL is much less intrusive, and it is short lived," Stover said, echoing the sentiments of all who have been involved in this type of uranium mining. "It's acceptance by the general public is much more favorable," he concluded.

What does the future hold for ISL uranium mining in the United States? "Up until 2004, prices were flat," Norris pointed out. "The economic picture has just now switched to where mines can start coming on again, but it does take years to properly define where the ore is. It takes a lot of geologic drilling and time to decipher it. Then there are the regulatory requirements, and that can take several years. Even if everybody reacted right now to what's out there, it would still be several years, upwards of five years, before production jumped from its existing rate to 10 to 20 million pounds at the most."
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wingless Fleas

A Flea is a common small wingless insect. Fleas, being external parasites, live by hematophagy off the blood of mammals and birds that they live on. There is several different species of fleas, with the most well known being:
- Cat Flea
- Dog Flea
- Northern Rat Flea
- Oriental Rat Flea

It is rare that flea's become damaging to their host; in most cases they are just nuisances. There can however become a problem when the host suffers an allergic reaction to the flea saliva. Spots where fleas bite are normally visible by a slightly raised and itchy swolled spot, that will have a single puncture at the center.

It is important to note that opposite to what I said above, fleas can transmit diseases. This is a rare scenario, but does happen, and an example is the bubonic plague where the disease was transferred between rodents and humans. If that is not bad enough Murine typhus fever and even some cases of tapeworms can be transmitted by fleas.

Fleas are busy little insects and will pass through a complete life cycle, egg to adult, in as short as two weeks to as long as eight months, depending on environment conditions. Generally after a blood meal a female flea will lay eggs, about 15 per day, and up to about 600 in its whole lifetime. The eggs are generally layed on the host, and will often times drop off the host. These Flea eggs take between 2 days to 2 weeks to hatch.
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The Hoodia Scams Have Lasted Long Enough

The big news about Hoodia supplements is that almost all Hoodia Gordonii products available today are ineffective – using fake hoodia. A well respected health author claims over 90% of the hoodia gordonii are known to be fake. This data seems to be backed up my major testing facilities who are claiming similar numbers.

So we did some research of our own and there's buzz on a newer Hoodia Gordonii product called Hoodia Prime. We used it on our test subject to see what she would say.

The results aren't what you might think they would be. But more on that in a minute.

When was the last time you stopped and thought about the companies that create the natural health supplements you take? Often times, it is easy to assume that the regulatory forces that ensure our food is safe, our water is clean, and our medications are effective will ensure that everything we put in our bodies is safe and sound. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Industries such as the natural health industry can be harder to regulate and with products like Hoodia Gordonii, which is supposed to be produced almost entirely in South Africa, and the shortcuts and scams that exist are more widely spread than many purchasers realize.

So we tried Hoodia Prime. Our test subject took the suggested dosage. Nothing happened. We continued trying it, still nothing. It sure did seem like this was another hoodia Gordonii product that fell into the scam category.

But then by the end of day two, something happened. Our test subject said she was not hungry for dinner. A fluke? Perhaps. Read on.

The very next day she awoke and again was not at all hungry. This was definitely not the norm for this person, who typically ate a hearty dinner and would almost always eat a breakfast. She took her recommended dosage of two Hoodia Prime capsules in the morning with a glass of orange juice.

Again, throughout the day, no hunger whatsoever. She said she had to literally remind herself to eat, and when she did eat, it was a forced action, only because she knew she had to eat.

This Natures Biology Hoodia Prime was definitely working. But was it real Hoodia or some other ingredient that was causing the appetite suppression? Companies have been known to put other things in their capsules, and we were going to find out if this was the case here.

The lot # on our bottle had been part of a large lot that was independently tested at Alkemists Pharmaceuticals. This company tests the majority of the Hoodia on the market and has found more fakes than you'll find at a plastic surgeons office.

Theses were the three tests performed:

Analysis of Identity and Purity
Analysis of Chromatagraphy
Analysis of Macroscopy and Microscopy

Using these three tests, a company isn't going to fool anybody with any fake Hoodia. There are things they can do to get around each test, but you can't fool all three tests at once.

What we found by reviewing the tests conducted on Hoodia Prime is that it's the real deal. It passed all three rigorous tests without a hiccup, and was proved to be pure South African Hoodia Gordonii. In a world where 9 out of 10 Hoodia Gordonii products are scames, Hoodia Prime stood out and shined.

Not only did it pass the lab tests, but it passed our own test where our very own test subject used the product and verified its effectiveness. Natures Biology, the company that makes Hoodia Prime, also says it conducts its own lab tests at yet an additional lab facility.

So, our hats come off to the folks at Natures Biology for bringing a quality product like Hoodia Prime to the market. Bravo.

Having said that, if you are contemplating any other product other than Hoodia Prime, keep in mind that your Hoodia Gordonii supplement may be packed with things you don't know about. Since Hoodia took off as a weight loss option in recent years, manufacturer have been using it as a front to sell essentially useless products to buyers who don't know any better.

The main concern for many people, especially those who regularly take health supplements, is that they are getting what they paid for. The product needs to be the exact ingredients that are listed on the bottle – this is the very reason that there are laws in place requiring such labeling, to ensure those with allergies and special needs are able to accurately measure what they intake.

Yet, these safety protocols are worthless when manufacturers like those that make counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii lie on their labels and produce products that are full of fillers such as sawdust, random plants from other countries, and cheap ingredients that can by highly allergenic. Not only that, but often times these cheap ingredients will interact with existing medications that a consumer may be taking, causing an increased risk of liver, heart, or brain damage.

So tread carefully before you buy something. Pure Hoodia is certainly effective at appetite control, as proven via our test. But just remember, 9 out of 10 Hoodia Gordonii products are believed to be fake.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

What Enables You To Flip Your Cell Phone Open?

The latest Nokia N90 and Motorola RAZR V3 clamshell mobile cell phones all incorporate sophisticated hinges which allow you to flip open your cell phones smartly amongst admiring onlookers. Another winner is the hinge assembly in Orange SPV M5000 3G PDA cell phone device which allows the screen half of the cell phone to swivel 180 degrees and close to allow simultaneous tablet mode and full phone functionality.

These hinge assemblies which were previously used in laptop computers have been designed into the sleekest cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDA) and small handheld digital cameras over the past few years.

Basically, the hinge assembly connects the cell phone base to the folder unit which contains the display screen. From the simple open-snap-close mechanism, the latest hinge mechanism now can control the angle of opening. Free-stop designs, where the folding stops at any angle, and 2 degree-of-freedom hinge assembly is in vogue. This flip-and-twist hinge assembly combines 2 rotary hinges with perpendicular axes, letting the clamshell cell phone flip open then twist 180 degress.

Each tiny custom hinge comprises a guide pin, shaft, cam, spring and housing. Advancing from the classic hinge components which were made from polyoxymethylene, the latest complicated hinge components are designed and manufactured from metals to provide stronger rotary hinge joints. These hinge components are manufactured using the metal injection molding (MIM) process or cnc machining. The former process, which is suitable for complex solid net-shape components, allows the mass production of hinge components competitively. However, with the recent shortening of product cycle in the competitive cell phone market, especially in Japan, more and more cell phone manufacturers are working with competent precision machining companies capable of machining these hinge components.

Leading Japanese companies in developing and selling sophisticated hinge units include Strawberry Corporation, Sugatsune Kogyou Co., Ltd, Omron Corporation and Yamamoto Precision Co., Ltd.

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Science Of Astronomy Really Is Fascinating

Galaxies, the cosmos, astrophysics, observatories, telescopes: How do we possibly comprehend the reality that the universe is beyond measure, infinite, and endlessly mesmerizing?

We can't; that's why astronomy remains so completely fascinating. It's the things in life we do not understand that most often draw our interest; that's simply a natural human impulse -- to be curious, to wonder and to want to be in awe of something far beyond and outside ourselves.

We know that stars, like everything else, live and die and that there are scientifically "correct" patterns in the remote sky that both perplex and bewitch us. If astronomy fascinates, it is because there exists in everyone a profound empathy with a world that is inaccessible in its complexity. Who among us has not felt, even fleetingly, spellbound by the immensity of this cosmos, this universe?

Modern observatories regularly function as educational centers, providing this feeling of entrancement by presenting the wonder of the cosmos directly to the audience, short-circuiting the intellect for an hour or so and uncovering the wonder at the magic of theuniverse; promoting a sensory, visceral feeling for the human condition and its place in the great book of the cosmos.

Astronomy, the science of stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes, is the oldest science, yet it is the most intriguing because the study of the universe will help answer the most important questions human beings can ask, such as:

How did the universe begin?

What is the structure of the universe?

How will the universe change in the future?

How do the planet Earth and its inhabitants fit into the larger universe of space and time?

Though we may never know the answers to these kinds of questions in our lifetime, we're always thankful for those who will follow us, prepared, with a scientific brain, to one day provide answers -- and maybe more -- to humankind.

It's difficult to understand our own galaxy, and we're constantly "adding to it," or discovering new frontiers and small, more distant planets than those we're already familiar with. The sun, and the concept of the planets just in our galaxy alone, provoke wonder and all kinds of speculation. It's food for our brain; it's one of those applications of learning that so enthrall, it doesn't seem like we're "studying" anything. It's an effortless exercise in the Unknown Sphere of the Universe.

What better way to pass the time, to postulate upon, to have an intellectually stimulating discussion, maybe with people you don't even know yet?

And what about the theories of particle physics that have been developed in conjunction with the standard Big Bang model to explain the origin, evolution and
present structure of the universe?

What about the origins, evolution, interiors, and energy production of the stars themselves? How are they formed? Why? And we've all heard of "interacting galaxies," but just what, exactly, does it mean? It all sounds like, well, a kind of heaven -- a place we know exists, but that we cannot quite see or understand.

Then, there's Newton's laws, the concept of work and energy, momentum, gravitation, sound and light waves.

If you haven't felt a slight thrill yet, it's eitherbecause you already know about these atmospheric wonders, or you've been living under a local rock.

So get out there and Observe the Universe! It's absolutely spellbinding!

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Shun Cloning : Scientists Must Speak Out

Scientists say evidence is mounting "that creating healthy animals through cloning is More difficult than they had expected." So began a front-page story in the New York Times (Marching 25), highlighting the frustrations of animal cloners, and the chance that person cloning whitethorn prove technically inconceivable. Those worried about the ethics of individual cloning have greeted this as good news, a sign that the slippery slope is leveling come out of the closet. Unfortunately, the new obstacles English hawthorn prove less than insurmountable in the hanker tally--and in bioengineering, the yearn running often proves surprisingly short. For those whose doubts about ergonomics ar expressed by the philosopher Leon Kass as "the wisdom of repugnance," it is no meter to relax: The slope Crataegus laevigata soon steepen once Thomas More. In cloning, a cellular cell nucleus from the grownup to be cloned is injected into an testis from which the karyon has been removed.

As it turns , the environment of the unfertilized testicle, hijacked for cloning purposes, is able-bodied to "reprogram" big nuclei, returning their DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID to a naive, pseudo-embryonic state. As the orchis develops, it follows the familial blueprint of the full-grown from which the core was derived, essentially producing an identical twin of that individual. But at that place problems. When Ian Ian Wilmut and his co-workers produced the cloned sheep Doll, they caught about biologists unawares because it was thinking out of the question to clone a mammal. Frogs had been cloned Sir Thomas More than twenty-five years ago, but many biologists cerebration that a phenomenon termed "imprinting" would prevent mammalian cloning. Imprinting confers "memory" on a developing cell, helping to distinguish fully grown skin cells, for instance, from heart, liver, and blood cells.

Experiments in mice suggested that imprinting permanently altered the DESOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID, making it unimaginable to derive a feasible embryo from an grown core group. changed all that. Still, the cloning of mammals is a precarious enterprise. himself acknowledged that cloning was ineffective and fraught with grotesque loser, and he strongly advised against trying to clone world. Even the just about experienced researchers to generate executable clones only 2 to 5 percent of the metre. The failures appear to stem from the imprinting phenomenon, which had been discounted post-: the hereditary absolution conferred by the ball turns to be at best, and memories persist in the of cloned embryos, interfering with their development.

This point was made by MIT developmental biologist Rudolf Jaenisch during testimony earlier a House subcommittee on Master of Architecture 28, and in a forceful article he co-authored with , "Don't Clone Humans!" (Science, MArch 28). As Jaenisch and others stressed ahead Congress, the high unsuccessful person rate in animal cloning should make somebody cloning unthinkable. The proponents of cloning, a motley crew of UFO cultists and fringe physicians, argue that they volition succeed in human race where experts have failed in animals. Their position is, of course, untenable.

For now, soul cloning testament probably end up prohibited. However, in that location is a danger in arguing against cloning on technical grounds alone: Once the procedure is perfected, it implicitly becomes ethically permissible.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Best Sights For Astronomy

What are the best sights for astronomy? That's hard to say. There is so much out there that the determination of what are the best sights for astronomy probably requires you to do some advance study and decide for yourself what you'd like to learn about.

There are a couple of very helpful books that can guide you through a determination of what are the best views for astronomy.

A new beginner or intermediate handbook for stargazers is the "Guide to Stars and Planets" by Patrick Moore. This accomplished astronomer has concisely gathered reference information on the night sky that details the best views for astronomy. It looks at the moon as well as the various constellations. You'll find charts, photographs and maps that have been garnered through study with earth bound and space telescopes. The best areas for astronomy are laid out in this book as well as some guidance on how you're going to take a look at the best views for astronomy yourself

Here you'll find guidance on what telescope to buy, how to set up an observatory for yourself as home and how to become a good amateur astronomer. Details about the perfect sights for astronomy include information on the moon, our sun, the various planets, the debris found in the solar system, a myriad number of stars, the various galaxies we know about, the constellations, and comets, asteroids, meteors and eclipses that humans have noted and photographed in the past.

The best sights for astronomy have been highlighted in the book, including important features in the moon and the stars we've studied extensively.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ethnicity Testing: Where Has Your DNA Been?

Have you ever wondered about your ethnic origin? Do you know for sure where all your ancestors were from and which countries' histories were a direct influence on the people who made you who you are?
I've always known I'm Canadian, but not until recently did I wonder: am I part Finnish?
It was just last week when I was broadcasting to the world on MSN that I was "60% Finnished" a personal project when I became truly intrigued about my heritage. What I was trying to tell the world was that I was 60% finished a large-scale car engine endeavor; however one of my friends that HAS to be right about everything pointed out that I wasn't spelling correctly. Was I just a bad speller or could it be that I was sending out an underlying message about my own self? I facetiously pointed out to Ms. Always-right that it was conceivable I was a descendant of Finland, and that perhaps she was wrong for once. But was it really true? I've always loved Finland's flashy flag; I can't seem to get enough of the Finnish rhubarb stew; and on top of it all, I keep christening custom toboggans in the name of Finland. How could I find out if I really am Finnish?

A good friend showed me that there is hope! Ethnicity testing is available to me and anyone else with similar curiosities (not necessarily a Finnish fetish, of course). There are also applications that extend beyond personal curiosity, but for the most part, everything the test tells you is more-than-fascinating.
Ethnicity testing starts with the widely held assumption that all human DNA originates in Africa and the goes on a 150-thousand-year journey. The test is the first of its kind ever developed. It reports proportional European, Western sub-Saharan African (African) and East Asian ancestry. For example, one person may obtain a result of 80% European 20% East Asian, while another may type as 33% African, 22% East Asian and 22% European. The DNA test is accurate to from 4-8% and sensitive enough to detect, for many customers, a single (100%) African or European great-great-grandparent or a single (100%) East Asian great grandparent.
As far as I know, the only Scandinavian blood in me is due to a package of Swedish Fish; however, with ethnicity testing, I can make my own claim to the honorable Finland.

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Alternative Fuel Source - An Urgent Need For One

Using alternative fuel sources is not just a matter of environmental responsibility. It is not just about assuaging your conscience. It is good sense, and sound planning. Although most of us are in denial, the fossil fuels which form the backbone of our world economy are dwindling quite rapidly, even as we go about our daily business in our cars. Although few Americans use an alternative fuel source to commute, those who do are soon going to be at an advantage.

If your alternative fuel source is your feet, whether through walking or bike riding, you are already at an advantage, taking care of your body and using transportation that is essentially free. However, even if you can not get around solely on your feet, it makes sense to start planning your life around alternate fuel sources now, before things go any farther.

Although few Americans use an alternative fuel source to commute, those who do are soon going to be at an advantage. If your alternative fuel source is your feet, whether through walking or bike riding, you are already at an advantage, paying nothing to move from one place to another and training your body at the same time. However, even if you can not get around solely on your feet, it makes sense to start planning your life around alternate fuel sources now, before it becomes too late.

In addition, many areas will probably not be adequately prepared to work with an alternative fuel source. There may be no where to even refill your biodiesel cars, and that will make things quite hard. People will have become so used to the convenience of their gas powered vehicles, that they will not be able to really get around this formidable-looking problem. But if you plan your life around an alternative fuel source, you will have no trouble adjusting.

The most fool-proof alternative fuel source is your own two feet, but since not all of us have athletic bodies or enjoy walking hours under the sun and snow, the real solution is public transport. If you live in an area where public transportation is already in place, and runs on electric vehicles, then congratulations. I bet that your local economy will suffer far less damage from the fuel crisis.

The public transit, driven by an alternative fuel source, will be able to pick up the extra passengers who have been forced to suddenly give up their cars, and there will be minimal inconvenience. If you have an electric vehicle, you will similarly be in a good position, as electricity will always be a good alternative fuel source. No matter how bad the fuel crises gets, the government will know better than letting the national power grid collapse. Therefore, electricity makes a lot of sense.

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Alternative Energy And The Need For A Proper Storage Technology

A number of energy storage technologies have been developed or are under development for electric power applications, including:

* Pumped hydropower
* Compressed air energy storage (CAES)
* Batteries
* Flywheels
* Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
* Super-capacitors

This is the future that we can safely anticipate, especially when there is a rapid depletion of other energy resources. Of course, the most important energy resource still remains the sun from where we can derive solar power and fulfill various energy and power requirements. Off late, many companies have started to build mono-crystalline and polycrystalline solar cells, which can be used in several sectors like aerospace, the aviation industry, residential power generation, traffic lights, automobiles etc. Solar energy apart from other renewable energies is being looked at as one of the key areas because it is a clean energy source.

Pumped Hydro
Pumped hydro has been in use since 1929, making it the oldest of the central station energy storage technologies. In fact, until 1970 it was the only commercially available storage option for generation applications.

Conventional pumped hydro facilities consist of two large reservoirs, one is located at base level, and the other is situated at a different elevation. Water is pumped to the upper reservoir where it can be stored as potential energy. Upon demand, water is released back into the lower reservoir, passing through hydraulic turbines, which generate electrical power as high as 1,000 MW.

The barriers to increased use of this storage technology in the U.S. include high construction costs and long lead times as well as the geographic, geologic, and environmental constraints associated with reservoir design. Currently, efforts aimed at increasing the use of pumped hydro storage are focused on the development of underground facilities.

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
CAES plants use off-peak energy to compress and store air in an airtight underground storage cavern. Upon demand, stored air is released from the cavern, heated, and expanded through a combustion turbine to create electrical energy.

In 1991, the first U.S. CAES facility was built in McIntosh, Alabama, by the Alabama Electric Cooperative and EPRI, and has a capacity rating of 110 MW. Currently, manufacturers can create CAES machinery for facilities ranging from 5 to 350 MW. EPRI has estimated that more than 85% of the U.S. has geological characteristics that will accommodate an underground CAES reservoir.

Studies have concluded that CAES is competitive with combustion turbines and combined-cycle units, even without attributing some of the unique benefits of energy storage

In recent years, much of the focus in the development of electric energy storage technology has been centered on battery storage devices. There is currently a wide variety of batteries available commercially and many more in the design phase.

In a chemical battery, charging causes reactions in electrochemical compounds to store energy from a generator in a chemical form. Upon demand, reverse chemical reactions cause electricity to flow out of the battery and back to the grid.

The first commercially available battery was the flooded lead-acid battery, which was used for fixed, centralized applications. The valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) battery is the latest commercially available option. The VRLA battery is low-maintenance, spill- and leak-proof, and relatively compact.

Flywheels are currently being used for a number of non-utility related applications. Recently, however, researchers have begun to explore utility energy storage applications. A flywheel storage device consists of a flywheel that spins at a very high velocity and an integrated electrical apparatus that can operate either as a motor to turn the flywheel and store energy or as a generator to produce electrical power on demand using the energy stored in the flywheel.

Advanced Electrochemical Capacitors/Super-Capacitors
Super-capacitors are also known as ultra-capacitors are in the earliest stages of development as an energy storage technology for electric utility applications. An electrochemical capacitor has components related to both a battery and a capacitor.

Consequently, cell voltage is limited to a few volts. Specifically, the charge is stored by ions as in a battery. But, as in a conventional capacitor, no chemical reaction takes place in energy delivery. An electrochemical capacitor consists of two oppositely charged electrodes, a separator, electrolyte, and current collectors.

Presently, very small super-capacitors in the range of seven to ten watts are widely available commercially for consumer power quality applications and are commonly found in household electrical devices. Development of larger-scale capacitors has been focused on electric vehicles.

The future is something that we canĂ¢€™t predict but yes, as time passes, most of the current energy sources will reach a point from where we will not be able to use them. This is where alternative energy sources come into play and will be one of the major driving forces of the world energy requirements.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Saving The World With Forensic Science

Forensic Science is the application of science in forensic studies, the forensic part of forensic science implies that it is to be utilized in some form or another with a court of law and is relevant to legal proceedings. Forensic Science is rapidly progressing to the point that the science fiction of today could well be the science reality of tomorrow.

Forensic Science has been around for many centuries. However, it was not until recently that advances in scientific research and scientific studies made this a true and individual aspect of forensic research. Recent studies and research have brought the field of forensic science to new heights and given it increasing credibility and importance as a deciding factor in many legal proceedings, where forensic evidence often outweighs the testimony even of witnesses on the scene.

Almost everybody has heard of DNA evidence or fluorescing as well as many other recent scientific developments in forensic science. While many of us get our information from television programs such as CSI, the reality is that forensic science is rapidly moving from the realm of television to the broader expanse of the real world. DNA evidence is now an important part of most legal proceedings involving any human body. Whether discussing fibers from hair, clothes or even something so mundane as dust, forensic science can often draw conclusions and point to irrefutable facts that often lead to convictions of criminals who, if not for forensic science, would be free to commit more atrocities.

Fibers can have a telling tale that can only be exposed by the use of forensic science. Carpet fibers are unique to makes and manufacturers. Gunpowder contains microscopic residue that can correctly identify the type of powder, the manufacturer of the shell and much more information. Simple particles of dust, when viewed by using forensic science can place items or individuals at definitive places often down to an exact time frame. Something that we may see as just a bug or insect can tell how long an item has been in a particular location. There are many factors that are explored with Forensic Science. The scientific conclusion offers irrefutable proof and can be an effective tool in the fight against crime.

Advances in science and in particular with forensic science are not only new and fascinating but are constantly improving and being refined. Not only is forensic science a great tool for today, but the future looks bright indeed. An interest in Forensic science may even help the underachiever of today take enough interest in science and related fields of study to turn around and study harder to become the next practitioner of forensic science tomorrow. Forensic science benefits society as a whole in many different ways.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to Build a Robot

Robots as we all know are considered as friendly creature created by human beings as we are created by God. They are created for human being to simplify life even more basically for our daily chores with the specified sequence and even by military for the purpose of doing things which has the danger to life of human beings and thus they are developed over years to substitute human beings in all the fields.

Many of us are not that qualified to make a robot by ourselves and that why we all are anxious to know how to make a robot and even depends upon the task we want to create it for. We all have the tendencies of exploring whatever new comes in the field of science and hence a basic prototype robot can be created knowing few basic high end programming stuffs.

Robots are almost 30% programming and hence if we target one specific purpose and program it well enough then it serves our purpose and the program mostly used for this is Unix and for beginner's Lego Mindstorms series is the best and how complicated your robot might turn up to be depends upon your technical acumen.

While learning how to make a robot we should always keep in mind that fewer the moving parts be of the robot better it is for the beginner's as for startup we might just want it to move from here and there or hold something and sort of stuff. We should link if-then statement well and it should be taken care of that battery is never less then 50% and if so happens it should be re charged.

Thus we now understand that knowing how to make robot can never be known as there is no limit to what can be achieved with the knowledge of science and development of robots can never end.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Steorn, free orbo energy - fact or fiction

Steorn have made claims that have upset some people in the scientific world, in this short article I will discuss there claims and progress so far, hoping to come to some sort of conclusion, are they for real?

The first time most people heard of Steorn was when they published an advertisement in the Economist late last year (2006). The main idea of this was to attract the attention of qualified experimental scientists to prove off there technology by means of testing.

It worked! More than 5000 people applied to become involved in this jury validation process, from which Steorn duly picked 22 qualified academic scientists / engineers

From the Q1 2007 Steorn update it was suggested that these 22 people are high ranking academia and will be recognized and accepted by the public and peer groups alike.

Orbo is the brand name of Steorn's free energy technology

Current scientific laws

The principle of conservation of energy in Physics (COE)

The main crux of this law is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form of energy to another

A simple example of this is when electrical energy is changed into heat energy

Steorn's main claim

Orbo produces free, clean and constant energy

I remember getting taught the COE at school, it is also a fundamental part of scientific / engineering further education.

COE has also played a major historic role in the development of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is a fundamental strand in the history of physics, the history of chemistry and the history of science in general

So this one law (COE) is a biggie

So on the face of it Steorn's claim directly contradicts one of the most fundamental scientific laws that has ever existed. Not a good start!

This is why most scientists got upset or will get upset, imagine if you have spent 40 years of your life experimenting, testing, creating new ideas and technologies all based around fundamental laws, these laws are shown to be correct through your own testing and the scientific worlds testing. Then some bright spark comes along and says hold on a minute that's all boll*cks. Most scientists will then undoubtedly call Steorn a hoax or a scam and at best tell them to politely stop wasting our time.

Having worked in the engineering industry for over 10 years, I know a little about next generation testing and development. One thing I can say is that I respect the 40 year+ experienced scientists and engineers, they are usually right unfortunately, but sometimes they are wrong. Also when testing and developing new ideas or products I have found that the best creations or new ideas have come by means of accident or alternative results / surprises when developing something else. Someone usually comes along later to steal the glory of there, new idea.

I think what I am trying to say is that law's are just law's they CAN be broken and are anyhow always developing and changing. Also respected peers can be wrong and there unbending views can restrict development and progress.

So orbo energy, fact or fiction well I do not know, but one thing I do is that it may be one of those magical moments that changes the world and rewrites science and history.

Steorn and orbo energy are an addictive unfolding saga and I wish them well and success in the future.

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